
What to buy for the rabbit who’s got everything — and never plays with it!?!? Lots of sites have rabbit toys that look great. You buy them, your bun just stares at you, hops away, and chews the sofa. Sound familiar? Here’s a guide to the Bunny-tested and approved — toys that all get three tails up.

Continue reading “Insiders Guide: 7 Fantastic Toys for the Discriminating Rabbit”

The bun-lover community is aghast, Twitter all a-chirp with the news from England: Darius, the holder of the Guinness title for world’s largest rabbit, is missing! The poor pet was poached April 10 from an outdoor enclosure at his home in Stoulton, Worcestershire, inspiring one of the New York Times’ most emailed articles last week. As a bunny blogger, I feel a duty, or at least an irresistible urge, to add my three cents.

Continue reading “The Dastardly Theft of Darius”

Moraea here. So, my female humie probably had other plans for her blog this week. Like some dreary treatise on all the yummy snacks rabbits aren’t allowed to eat because it’ll make them fat. Anyway, she left the keyboard unattended and her desk chair out, and I’ve got something much more important to tell you:

It’s my bunniversary!

So this post is all about me.

Continue reading “From Moraea (that’s “mor – AY – ah”)”

When you see furballs as cute as rabbits, you immediately want to pet them. But do the objects of your adoration welcome your enthusiastic touch? 

Consider my experience — not as a bunny, but as a kid. I used to dread greeting family friend “Uncle Jack” because he’d plant these incredibly sloppy kisses on our cheeks. Knowing it would be rude to rebuff his frothy howdys, I’d smile weakly until he turned away, then quickly wipe my face.

So, how can you avoid being the equivalent of “Uncle Jack” to the rabbits in your life?